ECO by Cigpet Review

Welcome to my secound review on this new blog.

This time I have the Eco RDA by Cigpet to talk about.

Like I already mentioned, I only started to apreciate RDAs in the last year.

The main reason was to test many different liquids in a short time. With a RTA this becomes frustrating and much more time consuming.

Till now i almost exclusively used my “So Horney” RDA, so lets see if the “Eco” can replace it. 🙂


The Eco RDA comes with 2 pre made clapton coils and a bit of cotton, so you can use it straight away, if this is your first rebuildable atomizer.

Apart from that, Cigpet also includes the cute mini screwdriver, 4 extra screws and 3  replacement O-rings 🙂


Optic and Build Quality

The Eco RDA is very well build, the gap measurement is perfect.

So perfect that i highly recomend putting some eliquid on the o-rings as soon as you open up the top cap and the two airflow-control parts.

One of the thinks I liked immediatly, was the awesome looking drip tip made from colored resin.

If I’m not mistaken, every drip tip will be unique in color. A very nice feature.

Besides the name ECO, there is also the name William engraved on the RDA. Why? I don’t know. 😀

But i will ask Cigpet for the background story.

It is a really nice looking RDA which, with his 4 color options, will fit on many mods.

I will try to get my hands on the polished steel version, since that will fit even better on my polished “Bodycurve”. 🙂

Build and taste

The builddeck is the only part I struggled a bit with. 😀

Yes I admit: I’m a simple man, I see a velocity deck, I make a dual clapton and I’m happy. 😀

Sure, for build geeks and people who like to have many options with the builds, this deck is perfect.

You have 3 diffrent mounting screws on each post and the post holes are HUGH.

Even the thickest coils should fit in here.

What made me smile, was that the accessory bag contained 2 clapton coils.

So I had to use them for the test.

Unfortunately the holes are too big for these dual clapton coils, so it took me quit some time to find the right position and distance to make both coils glow even.

After I wicked them and started to test the different airflow options, all the building struggle was forgotten.

People often ask me what is better, bottom- or side-airflow, and I always give the same answer: You need to try both.

It is a matter of personal taste.

Even tought there is not much diference this RDA is perfect to test both options and find your personal favorite.

I’m more of a side-airflow guy.

I’m using the ECO with both airflows completely open, to get the full open draw, which I like .


I must admit, the Eco RDA really conquered my heart. 😀

Sure I struggled a bit fixing the coils, but after it’s done you don’t have to worry for some weeks.

The airflow is great, it doesn’t make to much noise when you draw and the most important: It looks awesome on my “Bodycurve” and “Minotaur”. 😀

The drip tip also looks awesome, doesn’t heat up, and has the perfect size.

Great job Cigpet!

I only would change the deck to a velocity style deck, with smaller holes. But only because it suits better my amateur build skills 😀

So in my eyes it’s an awesome RDA which in the next time will be the biggest rival to my So Horney RDA.

Where to get it:

Maybe in your favorite vape shop.

Or you help me out and order it HERE:

Heavengifts even gave me this promo code so my Wild Vaper get 15% off:


Hope you liked my Opinion on the Cigpet ECO RDA 🙂

See you soon for the next review or post about the vaping world 🙂

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6 thoughts on “ECO by Cigpet Review

    1. Hi, thank you! The Minotaur was a limited edition (1/75) made by Ross Nadal (Wild Bull Production).

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