Don’t buy this Vapes / E-Cigarettes

This is a strange topic for a vape blog, right? 😀

Maybe I mean E-Cigs / Vapes which are dangerous…


I will give you some information about products which are owned by the tobacco industry.

Meaning, if you buy their products, you are basically supporting big tobacco. 🙂


Yeah, the Vype pen is owned by British American Tobacco.

I’m honest, i did test the Vype pen once, because here in Germany they had a promotion, where you could test the product in every place selling it.

(Every good Vape shop also let’s you test almost all of their products 😉 )

And I must say the flavor and usability was not satisfying.

Apart from that, the price for 3 caps is 5,95€. Each cap contains 1.5ml resulting in a price of 6€ for just 4.5ml of liquid!!! :DDD


I’m developing my own Liquid brand and the liquids i´ll sell will cost 5-6€ for 10ml produced in germany which is less than half the price per milliliter.
Side note: Big tobacco companies have way better options to produce there products cheap.. 😉

They are not just selling a shitty product. They overprice it and rob you of your money.


Vuse is the attempt by  Reynolds American, Inc. to put 10 year old E-cig tech in a new design and also sell the caps for WAY TOO MUCH. 😀

I don’t even want to talk too much about the products…

I just want you to tell which of the vape products are owned by big tobacco companies.

blu eCigs

Now owned by Imperial Tobacco.

It was the first big vape company that was bought by a tobacco company for 130 million $ I think.

It was founded in 2009 and since 2014 it was in the hands of different tobacco companies.

And from what I know their product never evolved since 2009! 😀


This product by Philip Morris International  isn’t really a vape. It is more like a dry herb vaporizer.

You ”vape” your tobacco instead of burning it…

I never tried it… but I can assure you, that this will never be a success. 😀

It is just a poor try to find a safer or different use for their super cheap produced tobacco.

I bet there are more brands out there and they will be added as soon as I hear about them.

Why the hate, Dada?

Its not really hate…

But I know the power of the big tobacco companies and their very good contacts with the politics. 😉

So all the regulations which happened in Europe and America are playing in the hand of this big companies because they have the power to finance the FDA fees for there products (USA).

And here in Europe the EU limited the tank sizes to 2ml and the Liquid bottles to 10ml.

This was established to ensure you have to buy new liquids every 1-3 days just like a pack of cigarettes.

Too obvious…

If the big tobacco companies get a clean mind and really want to change the world they should invest into the development of real vapes!

Good quality and good prices!

Like the awesome chinese companies are providing it.

So dear tobcacco industry!

If some of you are reading this you are welcome to contact me and invest into my ideas.

Invest into a smoke free future where people can inhale much safer vape.

The pharma industry is already testing medicine which you one day can inhale with vapes.

So think about it! 🙂

And for you wild vapers…

Please don’t buy this products.

We should only buy their products when they are really trying to provide good products with a reasonable price. 🙂

Until then I will continue to be a hater of their products. 😀 😛

This is just my opinion.

If you have a diffrent view on the topic you are welcome to write it into the comments.

So stay tuned and


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